I've Got Writes!

Teacher, Writer, Proofreader

Archive for the tag “Youtube tutorial”

DIY or Just Ignore It

I’m a single girl. Lived alone for 10 years. I set my own mousetraps, dispose of them when full (using rubber gloves and two plastic shopping bags), mow my lawn fairly frequently [coughsortof], spray organic bug spray around the house, check the oil in my car, wield a hammer and nails to put a shelf up in my bedroom, put together TV stands and other sorts of “assembly required” furniture . . . all by myself. Because I’m a big girl.

Do I like it? NO. I do it because I have to and so that I can prove to myself that I’m not totally helpless. I have a brother and cousin who graciously help me out when I ask. I just don’t like to ask too often, so I find myself in “situations” every now and then. I decided at the very least, that writing about my abilities or inabilities to do things around the house myself might cause a chuckle or two and maybe connect me to others who share in my single life conundrums.

So here goes the first of many . . .

Just do it yourself! Yep, I’m working on it. I’ve watched Youtube tutorials on how to change the insides of my toilet, you know, that big floater ball thingy and all its appendages. It looks fairly easy. So, I bought the

The hardest part might be breaking into the package.

The hardest part might be breaking into the package.

kit to replace it. Four weeks ago. It’s still sitting obediently on top of the toilet, still in the plastic package.

And, I’m still using a beer bottle cap to keep the toilet from running. (Yes, I come from a long line of rednecks.) Why a beer bottle cap? Because it worked more efficiently than duct tape for a quick, temporary fix.

Who knew?

           Who knew?

Don’t worry, I’ll get to it. Right after I stop fearing that I’ll get into the middle of it, something will go wrong, and I’ll suddenly have to evacuate my bladder or colon and won’t have a working toilet. Nightmare!

I will certainly follow up with a post describing the completion of the project, but I can’t promise it will be soon. The goal is within the next week before I have company coming from Ecuador. Hmmmm. How long will that bottle cap do its job?

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